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4 Tips From Top Lawn Care Companies on Winter Lawn Care

For most homeowners, the winter season means putting lawn care duties aside. However much it may not seem essential, preparing beforehand and knowing what to watch for during the winter is crucial. To ensure your lawn is ready for the upcoming spring, lawn care companies, like Turf Rangers, are providing a few must-know tips and tasks to follow.


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Preparation is a must.

With fall nearing, one of the biggest mistakes you can make is neglecting your lawn. By putting away the tools and gadgets early, you can compromise the health of your spring lawn. Instead, gear yourself up for a final cleaning, all steps included. 


Never overlook the aeration process.

Aeration is, unfortunately, overlooked all the time. Allowing air, water, and nutrients to penetrate your lawn’s surface, this is one step that should be on the top of the list in both the spring and the fall seasons. Aeration loosens compact soil allowing homeowners a final chance to apply various fertilizers.


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Clear lawns are happy lawns.

Along the same lines, keeping your lawn clear in the fall is another crucial task. While most people dread the raking process, leaving behind a yard full of leaves will cause regret come the spring. Fallen leaves retain moisture, encourage mold growth and enhance rotting to anything sitting below the leaf pile. Do yourself a favor and take the time to remove any debris left behind from the fall season.


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General Maintenance

Now that your lawn is clear and nourished, it’s time to talk about regular maintenance. Be sure to keep watering and mowing until the first frost. This time of year, it’s okay to mow your lawn a bit shorter. Continue to do so until you notice that the grass has stopped growing. Furthermore, continue raking! You spent the time and effort to clear your yard, do yourself a favor and keep up with those leaves!


When it comes to lawn care companies, contact Turf Rangers today at 603.809.1037. We look forward to helping your winter season be a successful one!